Cash concepts / Safe lock concepts

Clarity for daily business workflows. Clarity for safe security.
Security in everyday work.

Cash concepts / Safe lock concepts standardize the handling of cash / valuables in your company. Clarity will be created for daily business workflows and safe security. Additionally such concepts will create responsibilities: From the withdrawal of cash, to the transport to the backoffice, until the proper storage of your cash in your safes and the pick-up by Cash-in-Transit companies. By analyzing theses worflows, the cash concept will help to specify the right electronic safe lock for your safes.

Clarity for
daily business workflows

Cash concepts / Safe lock concepts create clarity for the company
due to:

  1. a complete risk assessment for the handling of cash/valuables
  2. a uniform operating instructions for the staff
  3. clear objectives regarding cash for the company and staff
  4. Target/actual analyses with regard to productivity and compliance with measures

Clarity for
safe security

How do cash concepts / safe lock concepts create clarity for safe security?
By choosing the right electronic safe lock derived from the concept! To specify the right electronic safe lock, for each step in the concept:

  1. a risk analysis is made
  2. an external and internal requirements are listed
  3. an audit will be done according to the business aspects

After evaluating points 1 to 3, a target state will be determined.

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with me!

Ludwig Kersten

Lock4Safe, Sales
Tel.: +49 2821 97369-16

Our components for safe security

Elektronische Tresorschlösser für Tresorsicherheit