Smart safes

Thanks to the potential of electronic safe locks!

Electronic safe locks
offers a variety of functions to take preventive measures against burglary, robbery and theft. However, the first distinction is between standard locks and specially programmed safe locks for companies. Lock4Safe supports companies specify the perfect electronic safe lock and program it individually in terms of functions: Block unwanted safe lock functions = avoid unnecessary operator questions in the daily business = increase productivity! Internal structures of your company, such as shift work, staff responsible for the safe, number of daily openings and personnel hierarchies, are also important in the decision-making process.

Measures on the safe
against burglary

Standardized security levels for safe locks define security against burglary. Increasing security standard of locks = The more difficult a burglary.

  • VdS Klasse 1, EN1300 Kl. A
  • VdS Klasse 2, EN1300 Kl. B
  • VdS Klasse 3, EN1300 Kl. C
  • VdS Klasse 4, EN1300 Kl. D

Measures on the safe
against internal thefts

Electronic safe lock functions to reduce: internal thefts:

  • Audit/Record
    Dramatically increases the risk for dishonest staff
  • Time program
    Staff should only have access to the safe during opening hours
  • 4-eyes principle:
    Safe can only be opened jointly by two employees

Measures on the safe
against robberies

Electronic safe lock functions to reduce robberies:

  • Time delay:
    During robberies thiefs are in a hurry (read in detail)
  • Alarming on the safe:
    Thiefs must expect police to arrive earlier

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with me!

Ludwig Kersten

Lock4Safe, Sales
Tel.: +49 2821 97369-16

Our components for safe security

Elektronische Tresorschlösser für Tresorsicherheit