Staff protection

Measures on the safes and cash concepts will help.

Theft prevention regulations
present a variety of challenges to companies in terms of protecting their staff. One of them: The proper handling of safes. In most cases “a proper handling of safes” is mistakenly equated only with delayed opening. However, there is much more to consider when implementing security guidelines for theft prevention in accordance with regulations! Our measures on your safes and a cash concept will help! Lock4Safe is your partner.

Staff protection due to
measures on the safes

Electronic safe locks offer a wide range of functions. Lock4Safe helps companies specify the perfect safe lock and customize it to your company in terms of functions.

Implement preventive measures to protect your staff at the safe with the following functions of electronic safe locks, while remaining compliant with regulations:

  • Audit/Recording of events
  • Time program
  • 4-eyes principle
  • Opening delay
  • Alarming at the safe

Staff protection due to
cash concepts

A customized cash concept defines how cash / valuables are handled throughout the company and optimizes existing processes in terms of their security. In addition, it offers your staff preventive protection against robbery, theft and burglary.

Target/actual analyses (risk analyses) will be made with regard to:

  • Design of the business premises
  • previous company workflows

Furthermore, we support you with the …

  • … preparation of operational instructions
  • … regular instruction (training) for the compliant implementation of the cash concept by your staff

Safe security: Make workplaces future-proof now!

Staff protection in compliance with regulations can only be achieved by using electronic safe locks and their functions. Electronic safe locks are used that are configured specifically to your company and its security requirements. In addition, a cash concept should be implemented that defines the company’s internal handling with regard to cash / valuables and staff.

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with me!

Ludwig Kersten

Lock4Safe, Sales
Tel.: +49 2821 97369-16

Our components for safe security

Elektronische Tresorschlösser für Tresorsicherheit