Review of the UNITI expo 2024 in Stuttgart:

When safe locks meet the petrol station industry

Elektronische Tresorschösser für Tankstellen

Messe Stuttgart. Exciting insights, positive feedback and an excellent platform for technical discussions and the exchange of ideas. … and it wasn’t always just about certified locking options for safes: that was UNITI expo 2024.

A premiere

As the sole exhibitor in the (safe) locks sector, a little creativity was required to attract attention. The UNITI expo in Stuttgart was not only a premiere for Lock4Safe – but also the other way around. Guided by an eye-catcher in the form of a golden nozzle, which was “secured” in an acrylic glass safe with a Lock4Safe safe lock, it was possible to interact directly with an electronic safe lock in order to open the safe.

For the time being, this short demonstration illustrated the simple handling of the locks. However, this then led to extensive consultations and product demonstrations in order to find THE appropriate locking solution for the respective customer requirements. And it wasn’t always just about locking petrol station safes.

“The safe locks from Lock4Safe show what modern and secure locking technology can look like. Some locks can also be used universally and controlled remotely,” commented one trade visitor.

New locks for existing safes

Lock4Safe remains committed to the mission of “transferring existing safes into the modern age of security technology through retrofitting”. “Our target is to offer highly secure and reliable safe locks on the market. No “standard”. Our electronic safe locks have a variety of functions to take preventive measures against break-ins, robberies and theft. The most suitable functions need to be specified together with the customer. After that the safe lock can be functionally programmed to meet the respective business requirements. For example, shift work, people responsible for safes, the number of safe openings per day and staff hierarchies play an important role in the selection process,” says Michael Alt, Lock4Safe customer service/technician.


The PulsePRO and TechMaster safe locks in particular, as well as universal motorbolt locks, were well received. For Lock4Safe, UNITI expo 2024 in Stuttgart was a success with the opportunity to gain a foothold in a new industry. We would like to thank all visitors for their interest and look forward to future challenges and innovations in the field of safe security.