Retrofit specialist for safes and cash security

Retrofitting safes is our specialty. Our solutions provide security for your safes and your staff – tailored perfectly to your needs and compliant to laws and standards.

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Lock4Safe. Today, safes are not just used to store valuables. Modern safes and security containers are being used to control access and monitor processes from a central location. In order to archive this, we rely on the potential of electronic safe locks. Our business is to transfer your existing safes to our modern age by retrofitting them with intelligent electronic locking systems. Our customers include large retail chains, banks, restaurant chains and industrial companies throughout Europe.

Cash concepts. To implement preventive measures against burglary, theft and attacks on safes, we create individual cash concepts / safe lock concepts for our customers. This includes the definition of clear operating procedures and responsibilities.

The electronic safe lock. Derived from the cash concept, we specify the electronic safe lock from our portfolio that is suitable for your company. We program the safe lock just with the functions you need. This makes it possible to integrate your safes perfectly into your work processes and will save time and money in day-to-day business.

Full service. All-in-One not only means personal advice and planning … but also the entire technical implementation and a sustainable safe service. This makes Lock4Safe the sole contact for safe security in your company.

Let‘s make your old safe smart!

We retrofit your existing safes an equip them with intelligence!

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Why not invest in the security of your safes?

Important to know: Safes do not have to be replaced with new ones, even after long years of usage … If your safes are still fully functional, buying new ones is not necessarily the better or more secure choice! A safe is basically a very strong cabinet. The lock is in most cases replaceable with a modern one of same size and security grade.

Some mistakenly believe that the risks of losses due to internal thefts can only be minimized by investing in expensive cash machines or contactless payment systems. But in reality, safes still find a wide range of application and the huge investment in these machines could often be avoided by upgrading the existing safe.

With a customized cash security concept, specially adapted for your branch processes, Lock4Safe transforms your existing safes into smart safes of the present – Your company saves!

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with me!

Ludwig Kersten

Lock4Safe, Sales
Tel.: +49 2821 97369-16


Lock4Safe elektronische Tresorschösser Tankstellen
Lock4Safe EuroCIS 2024